Two poems by Ipatia Koumoundouros Apostolides

A World to Live In

What would it be like
When peace replaces fear –
People living peacefully
In unison and in love with life

What would it be like
When all children are given a chance to be born
And raised by mothers and not by strangers
To have a home to come to

What would it be like
If sickness vanished and health reigned-
And smiles came easily on our faces
During times of distress

What would it be like
If we all loved our neighbors
And there were no wars
But a healing, quiet peace

That saturated all our beings
So much so, that we would
Never want to leave
This world we live in.

Free Spirits

You woke me from my sleep
As if it were my first day on earth
The sun drew its strength from your smile
The birds flew with cheerful abandon as
I gazed into your eyes with childlike hope
Wondering whether you were for real, and
Whether God graced this connection of two
Free spirits

Will we fly like the doves through life? 
Periodically perching on branches 
Those stable foundations that remind us 
Where we come from 
And where we are going

Will our journey be a long one 
Filled with adventurous mountains 
And deep valleys,
Or will the flat plains greet us, 
Slow and steady?

Will you stay with me along the way 
Or will you fly off into the sunset
Like a free spirit
Never to be seen again?

Ipatia Koumoundouros Apostolides is a Greek American author and poet. She holds a B.A. in Biology, an M.F.A in Creative Writing, and is a Ph.D. candidate in leadership with a specialty in English at the University of the Cumberlands. She has published four novels and a poetry book. Her poems have been published in journals. Several poems have received honorable mentions. As Director of the Hellenic Writers’ Group of Washington DC, she conducts classes in the craft of writing, holds writing workshops, and hosts speaker presentations. She is editor and contributor of the poetry book Glimpses of Our World, a bilingual anthology of Greek and American poems by the Hellenic Writers’ Group of Washington, D.C. More information can be found on her website: